Tea and seeds

Tea and seeds

Monday 31 October 2011

What's in your work basket?

I love those 'What's in your work basket' posts I've seen on other blogs, such as this one at Soulemama.  So I'm going to share the contents of mine with you.  Let me say first, that the inventories I've seen on other blogs have been full of works in progress and this is all terribly impressive but I don't think they reflect the full reality of a busy life with children as mine does.  So this is what I found this afternoon as I was cleaning out my basket in desperation because I couldn't find anything I needed:

  • Cotton yarn and pattern for my current work in progress, along with said WIP,
  • Orange wool left over from this cardigan finished last week,
  • A tangled ball of sock yarn left from these socks finished in August,
  • A little purse to hold knitting tools - scissors, stitch holders, stitch markers, tape measure, etc although these things were to be found scattered about in the basket this afternoon,
  • One polar bear who found his way into the basket when we went for a picnic last week,
  • One pair of pink tights, size 1, discarded due to warm weather at the home-ed sports day last week,
  • One long-sleeved top, size 3, discarded as above,
  • One small spotty sock - I would like to know where the other one is please.

  • One red duplo block,
  • One small wooden fish,
  • One little felt chicken,
  • 2 blue pens,
  • A copy of Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Workshop (one of the most useful knitting books I've ever picked up so it travels everywhere with my knitting), 
  • An assortment of needles left in there from projects past,
  • A handful of store loyalty cards which Marta emptied out of my purse at last week's sports day,
  • A bundle of receipts (also from my purse and emptied out by Marta),

  • One dessertspoon (?????????)
  • One needle holder,
  • One pair of hand-knit socks waiting to be mended
  • Tag from a blackberry vine we planted in the garden last Winter (2010) that fell out of my gardening notebook and somehow found it's way into the knitting basket.
  • One face-cloth, not pictured, as it needed to be put in the wash immediately!
That's it!!  I now have the task of putting all of these things away where they belong so I can reclaim my basket for it's intended purpose.
So........what's in your work basket?

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